From: Benjamin W Davis | submitted: Sep 02, 2008
My daughter is in second grade. So far we have found the teachers to be highly uncommunicative with the parents. Several times last year they had sold various things as fundraisers. Often the forms would be sent home on Thursday to be returned Friday, not giving us time to see if anyone would want to buy anything. The teacher last year allowed the children to celebrate their birthdays with a small party on the day. When it came close to my daughter's birthday, the teacher had the party on the Thursday before and neglected to tell us of the change. This upset my daughter very much as she was not able to bring any cupcakes or cookies to share with her classmates. This year the teacher requires two "healthy" snacks brought every day. The snacks must consist of "fruit, nuts, or seeds." She grabbed a granola bar out of my daughter's hand and berated her for bringing a "candy bar."